The Dual Double-Channel

LIN Pei-Yao Solo Exhibition
Exhibition Period | 2024/08/10 (Sat.) - 2024/08/31 (Sat.)
Open Hours | Mon.-Sat. 11:00-18:00 (Closed on Sundays and public holidays)
Venue | Hong Foundation (12F., No. 9, Sec. 2, Roosevelt Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei, Taiwan)
Opening Tour | 08/10 (Sat.) 14:30
Talk | 08/17 (Sat.) 14:30-16:00
Speaker | Shen Bo-Cheng (Assistant Professor at NTUA, Curator)
When we look, the visual information from both eyes combines to create a single world. Our senses are inherently multi-channel, and our bodies integrate these various channels into a unified perception. Yet, we seldom realize that this "one" is actually composed of multiples. The term "double-channel" originally describes a plural state. Starting from the visual mechanism, this exhibition further embodies its dual characteristics and two-sided nature, by the interaction between bodies and video technology.
“What makes the front of man? His eyes. It is his eyes.” — Laurie Anderson, Songs and Stories from Moby Dick (1999)
Through media, a multi-channel body further multiplies its perceptions. Consequently, an individual’s self-awareness also transforms. LIN Pei-Yao explores new types of relationships through bodily perception, between individuals and themselves, as well as between individuals, in an era mediated by technology.